Dutch language presentation about the development of a questionnaire
The development of the Gut Feelings Questionnaire, presented at a ‘Broodje HAG’ in Maastricht, the Netherlands: 7 consensus statements, the calculation of a Cronbach’s alfa and a Principal Component Analysis, a construct validation procedure and a crossbordering feasibilitiy study. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTj4-DFAkw4
The role of intuitive knowledge in diagnostic reasoning of hospital specialists
Poster presentation at the ‘Wetenschapsavond’ (scientific meeting) in the Isala Hospital (Zwolle, the Netherlands, 12/12/2017) BannerIsala2017
Hier stimmt was nicht! Can a GP trust his/her diagnostic gut feelings?
Accepted abstract of a workshop at the 51st Annual Congress of General Practitioners and Family Medicine 2017, in Dusseldorf, Germany. DEGAM2017 abstract
Diagnostic value, prevalence and associated factors of gut feelings in family physicians
A study protocol (accepted for a presentation at the EGPRN conference in Riga 2017) Objectives To know prevalence of GF in GP consultations and its relation with patient characteristics (sociodemographic and clinical) and professional (gender, experience, personality and knowledge of the patient). To assess the validity of gut feelings (sense of alarm and sense of reassurance) to… read more
How acceptable is the Gut Feelings Questionnaire in daily GP practice: a feasibility study in four European countries
Abstract accepted for presentation on the EGPRN-conference in Riga (2017) Background. The Gut Feelings Questionnaire (GFQ) is a ten items questionnaire based on consensus statements defining the sense of alarm and the sense of reassurance. The purpose of the GFQ is to determine the presence or absence of gut feelings in diagnostic reasoning of general… read more
Gut feelings of patients: do they influence their general practitioner’ diagnostic reasoning?
The first step in the development of a gut feelings questionnaire for patients An abstract accepted for a presentation on the Clinical Decision Making workshop in Bergen (Norway, 23-25th March 2017) and on the EGPRN-conference in Riga (May 2017) Introduction: General Practitioners (GPs) recognize the role of gut feelings (GF) in their diagnostic reasoning ,… read more
Determinants of GP’s cancer related gut feelings
On the WONCA-conference in Copenhagen (Juni 2016), Ge A. Donker et al. presented  the results of their research into the determinants of cancer related gut feelings of GPs. A GP’s gut feeling appeared to be a useful tool. Its predictive value increases if GP is older or has more experience. BMJ-Open has already accepted a report about this research…. read more
„Bauchentscheidungen“ – Ergebnisse aus zehnjähriger internationaler Zusammenarbeit in einer EGPRN-Arbeitsgruppe
Abstract accepted for the 50. Kongress fur Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedicin 29 Sept – 1 Oct 2016 Frankfurt am Mainz. Bauchentscheidungen des Hausarztes wurden als existent und von wesentlicher Bedeutung im professionellen Handeln nachgewiesen. Die bisherigen und zukĂĽnftig zu erwartenden Ergebnisse können zum besseren Verständnis medizinischer Entscheidungsfindung in der Hausarztpraxis beitragen. See Abstract_DEGAM_2016_COGITA Dr. Johannes Hauswaldt,… read more
Intuition in general practice and the attention it gets from GP supervisors
Abstract Intuition is a part of diagnostic reasoning and decision making in medicine and so in general practice (GP). In this research, I aimed to discover in which ways GP supervisors have attention for the intuitive elements of diagnostic reasoning and decision making of general practitioners in training (GP trainees). Theoretically, I accessed this research… read more
Poster presentation EGPRN conference in Tel Aviv
Hereby the poster about the Linguistic Validation of the Gut Feelings Questionnaire into three European languages designed aimed to present this intriguing translation process on the EGPRN conference in Tel Aviv (2016 May) (Marie Barais). poster egprn tel aviv (1)