An interview in a Dutch newspaper
An interview in the Volkskrant with Margje van de Wiel focussed on the cognitive-psychological aspects of gut feelings in general practice.
Patients’ gut feelings seem useful in primary care professionals’ decision making
Abstract Background Family physicians’ diagnostic gut feelings have proved to be valuable. But what about patients’ gut feelings? Research has shown that patients’ gut feelings may contribute to their physicians’ clinical reasoning. Dutch medical tribunals consider patients’ worry useful for doctors’ diagnostic process. However, how general practitioners and other primary care professionals recognize gut feelings… read more
Gut feelings in the diagnostic process of Spanish Family Physicians
Bernardino Oliva Fanlo will defend his PhD at the Universitat de les Iles Balears (La Palma, Mallorca, Spain) (3-th Juni 2022) Thesis Bernardino Oliva Fanlo
Prospective Observational Study on the Prevalence and Diagnostic Value of General Practitioners’ Gut Feelings for Cancer and Serious Diseases
Abstract Background General practitioners (GPs) have recognized the presence of gut feelings in their diagnostic process. However, little is known about the frequency or determinants of gut feelings or the diagnostic value of gut feelings for cancer and other serious diseases. Objective To assess the prevalence of gut feelings in general practice, examine their determinants… read more
Child Abuse: how to detect and how to collaborate, a Dutch language interview with two GPs
De Augeo magazine special voor de huisartsenzorg ‘Kindermishandeling; zo signaleer je en werk je samen’ staat online (link).
General practitioners’ recognition and management of child abuse: what is going well and what could be improved?
In the Netherlands, child abuse affects about 100.000 children resulting in at least 17 child fatalities a year. General practitioners’ (GPs) health care position is of vital importance for recognising and managing child abuse. In this Clinical Lesson, using three illustrating cases, we discuss how GPs’ suspicion of child abuse may arise including the role… read more
Building the case for the use of gut-feelings in cancer referrals: perspectives of patients referred to a non-specific symptoms pathway
Abstract Background: Gut-feelings may be useful when dealing with uncertainty that is ubiquitous in primary care. Both patients and GPs experience this uncertainty but patients’ views on gut-feelings in the consultation have not been explored. Aim: To explore patients’ perceptions of gut-feelings in decision-making, and compare these perceptions to those of GPs. Design and setting:… read more
Cultivating Doctors’ Gut Feeling: Experience, Temporality and Politics of Gut Feelings in Family Medicine
Abstract For the past decade, within family medicine there has been a focus on cultivating doctors gut feelings as ‘a way of knowing’ in cancer diagnostics. In this paper, building on interviews with family doctors in Oxford shire, UK we explore the embodied and temporal dimensions of clinical reasoning and how the cultivation of doctors’… read more
Gut feelings of patients in general practice: validating a questionnaire
Abstract accepted for presentation (workshop Clinical Decision Making, 2021 April) Background Research indicated that patients’ feelings of worriedness play a role in their physicians’ clinical reasoning and judgment of clinical tribunals. Interviews with primary care workers and patients showed how these feelings are expressed. Based on these expressions we developed a questionnaire to measure gut… read more
Gut feelings of patients in general practice: description and significance
Abstract accepted for presentation (workshop Clinical Decision Making 2021 April) Background: General practitioners’ diagnostic gut feelings (GF) proved to be valuable. But what about patients’ GF? Dutch medical tribunals consider patients’ worry useful for doctors’ diagnostics. Research showed that patients’ GF contribute to their physicians’ clinical reasoning but how this happens is unclear. Research questions… read more