Gut Feelings as a Third Track
This paper reviews litterature from medical, psychological and neuroscientific perspectives and explains how gut feelings arise and function using a knowledge-based model of GP's diagnostic reasoning. ... read more
‘Niet-pluis’ tuchtrechterlijk gewogen
A double publication of How do disciplinary tribunals judge the 'gut feelings' of doctors? An analysis of Dutch tribunal decisions 2000-2008. J Law and Medicine 2010; 18(1). ... read more
How do disciplinary tribunals judge the ‘gut feelings’ of doctors?
The authors concluded that the sense of alarm as a diagnostic tool has been taken seriously by Dutch tribunals. Its timely development is considered to be an element of the professional standards for doctors. ... read more
Establishing an international research agenda on gut feelings in general practice using the nominal group technique
Conclusion: an European research agenda on 'gut feelings' in general practice has been established and could be used in collaborative research. ... read more
‘Gut feelings’ in general practice in Europe
Conclusion: the 'sense of alarm' is a familiar phenomenon in general practices in Europe. We propose to use the English phrase 'gut feelings' in further research reports. ... read more
Het ‘pluis/niet-pluis’- gevoel van de huisarts (Huisarts NU)
Dit artikel is een vertaling en bewerking van het in BMC Fam Practice gepubliceerde onderzoek naar de diagnostische rol van pluis en niet-pluis in de huisartspraktijk. Het werd gepubliceerd in Huisarts Nu.... read more
Het ‘pluis/niet-pluis’-gevoel van de huisarts (NTvG)
Dit artikel is een vertaling en bewerking van het in BMC Fam Practice gepubliceerde onderzoek naar de diagnostische rol van pluis en niet-pluis in de huisartspraktijk. Het werd gepubliceerd in het NTvG.... read more
Consensus on gut feelings in general practice
Conclusion: the sense of alarm and the sense of reassurance are now well-defined concepts. These descriptions enable us to operationalise the concept of gut feelings in further research.... read more
The diagnostic role of gut feelings in general practice
Conclusion: gut feelings are familiar to most GPs in the Netherlands and play a substantial role in their everyday routine. The participants distinguished two types of gut feelings, a sense of reassurance and a sense of alarm. We need more research into the contributions of individual determinants and into the test properties of gut feelings to make the concept suitable for medical education.... read more
The nature of diagnostic reasoning by experienced general practitioners
Entitled in Dutch: 'Hoe verloopt het diagnostisch denken van de ervaren huisarts?' It can be found in chapter 2 of the PhD 'Gut feelings in general practice' from Erik Stolper... read more