WONCA 2009 – Workshop

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Abstract WONCA Basel sept 2009

Workshop ‘Gut feelings in general practice’

Aims and purpose:  GPs are often faced with complicated, vague problems in situations of uncertainty, which they have to solve in short-term. In those situations gut feelings seem to play a substantial role in the diagnostic reasoning process. Research in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany discerned two kinds of gut feelings: a sense of alarm and a sense of reassurance. However, gut feelings and evidence are uneasy bedfellows and not every GP trusts his or her intuitive feelings.
Designs and Methods (workshop plan):
1.  Introductory lectures:  how our research deepens our insights into the role of gut feelings in diagnostic reasoning (reached consensus on the description of gut feelings, the significance of determinants such as experience, contextual knowledge and interfering factors and, their role in daily practice)
2. Discussion between the participants about the significance of these results for daily practice and medical education- with the help of vignettes  and a questionnaire on the role of gut feelings and the significance of some determinants
3. Summary and conclusions, making transparant the “dance of reason and affect” in diagnostic reasoning as result of interacting analytical and non-analytical cognitive processes.
Results of the workshop:
Participants will gain insight into the role of gut feelings in GPs’ diagnostic reasoning in situations of uncertainty and complexity and, into the contribution of contextual knowledge, experience and interfering factors.
Impact of the workshop for daily practice: The participants will learn that gut feelings are useful, especially in general practice and can be trusted in the diagnostic reasoning process when combined with analytical tools.

C.F. Stolper, J. Hauswaldt, P. Van Royen.